Ultimate equipment is an advantage of Alphatag

You’re already aware that Alphatag gives a real gaming experience. For example, a shock bracelet that is attached to a laser tag player. Now imagine that you can fill your arsenal to its fullest, get more weapons, and expand your equipment. This is only available to those who play on the eleventh generation of LASERWAR.
With Alphatag, laser tag goes to a super level. Fighting with just a tagger and an headband is pretty boring. Especially to those who have spent more than one combat night in the fields. That’s why in the latest generation we’ve created the unique ability to combine up to five devices for a single player.
The player can now add two weapons, an headband or helmet, a vest, and a shock bracelet to the kit. You won’t have to set up your equipment for a long time for this. You simply switch on one of the defeat sensors in Master mode (we recommend the vest) and connect it to the rest of the devices. It only takes a couple of seconds and you’re completely game-ready.