Short description: long awaited release, which will improve the players’ experience and also will be helpful for arena’s administrators! Last update of Alphatag platform was released half a year ago. We have collected all the reviews, examined gamers’ wishes and wishes of active advanced generation users and prepared a new release. Meet software update, new Read the full article…
New generation Alfatag equipment includes many competitive advantages. It was made for real professionals and guarantees reliability in every detail. Our customers have already really appreciated the unique OLED displays that are equipped with damage sensors and laser tag guns. Mostly the control units with OLED display on headbands/helmets/vests serve as a special tool for Read the full article…
“Alfatag” equipment – is new opportunities and a huge step into the future of the laser tag industry. We made many ideas come true, that provide you with comfort and instant connection between software and gaming kits. The most important element of the equipment is comfortable and durable headband. The collapsible design stands out from Read the full article…
The Alfatag generation has implemented a number of important functions for professional-level gaming and even greater realism in combat. We have designed an extra light and technologically advanced vest for outdoor laser tag. The new vest is based on the same electronics as the headband. It will last for many years thanks to durable material Read the full article…
Today we will tell you how to conduct games without using a router. With the new generation of Alfatag equipment, it’s easy. All you need is your phone and the desire quickly pick up a laser tag gun and rush into the battle. First of all, install the “AlpatagConfigurator” mobile application on your gadget. It Read the full article…
The release of Alfatag premium equipment became a long-awaited event for all professional players. We have made a huge step forward in technical terms, opening up a lot of new opportunities for avid laser tag fans. And to make its usage quite simpler, our company has developed easy-to-use software, collecting the best solutions during our Read the full article…
Dear Friends, we have modernized the Alfatag configurator and we are going to tell you about the changes. The configurator program is a universal game management tool and allows you to configure tactical and technical characteristics in a short time. What exactly has changed? 1. The application was adapted for working with equipment using the Read the full article…
What awaits the alpha tag fighter when entering the training ground? Modern and new gear, playing with new generation equipment, opportunity to watch the game process on your gadget screen. At the same time, laser tag combat can be diversified with additional devices and special game parameters, which we will talk about in more detail. Read the full article…
We continue to introduce you to the features of the new generation of Alfatag. Today we’ll talk about the damage sensors that are available to the alpha player. There are three of them: helmet, hard hat, vest. All the sensors are based on the experience of real players who have been visiting clubs using LASERWAR Read the full article…
Dear Friends, we have modernized the Alfatag configurator and we are going to tell you about the changes. The configurator program is a universal game management tool and allows you to configure tactical and technical characteristics in a short time. What exactly has changed? The application was adapted for working with equipment using the new Read the full article…