Dear friends, LASERWAR prepared a great software update for super-technological generation of laser tag equipment “Alphatag”. We improved software – corrected errors and added extra features. Sound effects This is a new feature for those who want to get the most of it. Now, in the very beginning of the game, you can choose background Read the full article…
Dear friends, today it’s Friday and this means it’s time for updates. We are releasing the upgrade of the Alphatag Server software. We have received your comments and suggestions about the work of the software and in the new version we have done everything as you want. Innovations in the desktop application for Alphatag have Read the full article…
We completed the working week with an upgrade of software and firmware. Traditionally, the update includes two parts: firstly, it is the correction of errors and bugs, and secondly, it is the expansion of the functionality of the software and the addition of certain features. So, about everything in order. In the new version of Read the full article…
In the new version of the program fixed: — localization of role names when changing the language; — statistics export format for one team; — issuance of medals for game achievements; — saving the date of the last visit; — when recording the TTX settings in bulk, the weapon type icon does not change. Innovations: Read the full article…
Alphatag, the new hardware and software platform from LASERWAR, is a laser tag game-changer. This is the 11th generation of laser tag equipment. Its implementation incorporates principles and solutions that greatly enhance the player’s capabilities. Wireless stats are no surprise to anyone these days. But what about the ability to quickly connect and fully interact Read the full article…